High-end anti-counterfeiting technology in the field of Internet of Things

The anti-counterfeiting technology in modern society has reached a new height. The more difficult it is for counterfeiters to counterfeit,
the more convenient it is for consumers to participate, and the higher the anti-counterfeiting technology, the better the anti-counterfeiting effect.
It is difficult for counterfeiters to counterfeit and easy for consumers to identify. This is the highest level of anti-counterfeiting technology.

Of course, it is by no means that the higher the technical difficulty, the higher the degree of replication, the higher the high-end anti-counterfeiting technology.
Because if it is difficult for consumers to participate, no matter how powerful anti-counterfeiting technology is, it is only a Maginot line of defense, which is in vain.

Furthermore, counterfeiters do not need to make anti-counterfeiting labels with exactly the same anti-counterfeiting features.
They only need to look alike, because the vast majority of ordinary consumers cannot identify the authenticity at all.

Of course, if companies only use these high-end technologies to conduct self-inspection on the authenticity of their products, then purely pursuing technical complexity and the difficulty of copying by counterfeiters is fine.

The vast majority of anti-counterfeiting technologies are generally over-pursuit of anti-copying, and the threshold for consumer participation is very high,
because the two are extremely difficult to balance, and this is the key advae of high-end anti-counterfeiting label companies.

In summary, I recommend several high-end anti-counterfeiting technologies here.

1. NFC anti-counterfeiting

At present, both Wuliangye and Moutai adopt NFC anti-counterfeiting technology. Each NFC chip has a globally unique ID,
and this ID is encrypted asymmetrically, which is almost impossible for counterfeiters to copy.
Consumers only need to hold a mobile phone that supports the NFC function to identify the true and false.

2. Traceability and anti-counterfeiting

The traceability anti-counterfeiting label itself does not have much technical content, and its core is the traceability anti-counterfeiting code carried on the label.
Consumers can scan the QR code to see the detailed circulation information of this product, especially which store purchased it,
and compare it with the store where they bought it, to know the authenticity of the product.

Post time: Jul-21-2021