Application of rfid technology in automobile tire processing technology

With the rapid development of Internet of Things technology, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has shown great application potential in all
walks of life because of its unique advantages. Especially in the automotive manufacturing industry, the application of RFID technology not only optimizes
the production process, but also significantly improves product quality and management efficiency. This paper will focus on how RFID technology plays an
important role in the processing of automotive tires, and explore how it can promote the intelligent and information transformation of tire manufacturing.


Raw material management:
There are many kinds of raw materials for tires, including rubber, carbon black, steel wire and so on. Traditional raw material management methods require
manual recording and management, which is prone to errors and inefficient. The use of RFID technology can be affixed with RFID tags for each raw material
to achieve automatic identification and tracking of raw materials. When raw materials enter the production line, the RFID reader can automatically read the
label information to ensure that the type and quantity of raw materials are accurate.

Tyre label

Tracking of the production process:
The production process of tires includes rubber mixing, calendering, molding, vulcanization and other links. At each stage, RFID technology can play an
important role. By embedding RFID tags on the semi-finished tire, the production progress and process parameters of the tire can be tracked in real time.
When the tire enters the next process, the RFID reader automatically reads the label information and transmits the data to the central control system.
The central control system can adjust the production parameters in real time according to the data to ensure the quality and performance of the tire.

Tire quality detection:
RFID technology can also be used for tire quality detection. In the production process, the production data and process parameters of each tire can be
recorded through RFID tags. When the tire is completed, the tag information can be read by the RFID reader to automatically detect and evaluate the quality
of the tire. If there is a quality problem with the tire, the cause of the problem can be traced through the RFID tag, and timely measures can be taken to improve.

Tire inventory management:
In terms of tire inventory management, RFID technology can achieve automatic identification, positioning and tracking of tires. By attaching RFID tags to each tire,
you can keep track of inventory in real time and avoid inventory overhang and waste. At the same time, when the tire needs to be shipped or allocated, the target
tire can be quickly found through the RFID reader to improve logistics efficiency.

With the continuous progress of Internet of Things technology and the further reduction of costs, the application of RFID technology in automobile tires and even
the entire automobile manufacturing industry will be more extensive, promoting the industry to intelligent manufacturing.

Chengdu Mind has a complete tire label and supporting application solutions, welcome to consult !

Post time: Jun-16-2024